Fight for it!

Judges_gavelWhile it is a fact that many have been liberated from ignorance and credulity, it is also an ugly truth that still many are dwelling in the shadows of fear and indifference from the issues that confronts the prosperity and welfare of the people. The Constitution had showered us with a vast scope of liberty and numerous rights enabling us to fight for our and the society’s good. However, we should also keep in mind that whatever these liberties are, they are still within the boundaries of the fundamental law of the land, the Constitution, and those we are blessed with, are not solely conferred upon a few, but to all the people.

As it turns out, a lot of the land’s intelligences are fighting for the aggrieved members of the society. Some of them are those in power but, take note, that the aggressor are also oftentimes the most looked up to, just like the PDAF Scam. Although without prejudice to the accused senators, there is still a very big question mark of who are the real perpetrators. There being no strong evidence convicting the accused parties, where shall the people find the clue? Can they ever find justice as to who took the money which is theirs?

Again, how many times have the masses been gullibly played off by some government leaders? There had been a lot of controversies involving our chosen presidents, senators, cabinet secretaries, commissioners and relatives of these powerful leaders for the matter? It is so tiring to listen to similar issues of “theft” of the public’s money, of rigged elections, of scams and scandals. Have we gone indifferent to these types of corruption of not only monetary matters but especially the morality of the Filipinos? Let us not be like this. All the scandals are like elephant darts in the public’s face, thus it is not wise to ignore them like nothing happened.

We, the people, hold the very weapon to fight against these irregularities happening in the bureaucracy. We should not just be mere viewers watching how things go the way the rulers write our history. Let not our nation be misled by our supposed-to-be leaders of good deeds. We have the power and the right to change our fate. We are the game master of whatever game this is. Be reminded that the control is ours and not the other way around.

Upon casting our votes to our elected officials, we entrust them our hopes and we give upon them the burden of our expectations. We expect them to fulfill their promises to better our country and to honestly serve for the promotion of the general welfare. These are the very purpose why we chose them.

Although we have few public servants who have not been bit by the evil fangs of greed and overwhelmed by the power vested in them, one or a few is not that sufficient to rebuild the crooked foundation and elements of Philippine politics. Many would say that this campaign is both an elusive dream and an illusion since it had been ingrained within the bones of these wicked men with an angelic façade that had been continuously bluffing the people.

WELL? Who to blame? Them?

It is US, or say, many among the people who keep on getting so susceptible to repeated fraud. Had we known they did it once, then it is just the right and logical thing to do to stop patronizing such and be aware and responsive to things like this. Let us listen to the alarms ringing and wake up from the long sleep. The disease has gone too far. We should stop it. We should start making a difference. It is better late than never.

Upon the powers crowned on the people, let us save the future generation. Let us preserve these powers for them, let us make history and empower the young minds to continue this battle for the betterment of the community.


Let us carry on with these rights, restore pure and honest public service; let us fight for it!

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